2023-2024 GBM Engagement Policies

Here is the full set of GBM Engagement Policies and Best Practices. The below menu highlights some key parts but please be sure to familiarize yourself with them in their entirety

  • Overview and Basic Requirements

    The GBMer engagement program is meant to provide students with opportunities to meaningfully participate in club activities, acquire hands-on experience with various topics/industries, and form connections between passionate students and clubs. In order to create the most impactful experience for students on campus.

    ● We mandate that each club must have a Chair of General Body Members who will serve as a touchpoint for GBMers. We recommend that this position does not overlap with any other board position unless there are extenuating circumstances for a club. We want the GBM chairperson to be focused on greeting the best GBM program possible for their respective club.

    ● The Chair of GBMers will be responsible for:

    Ôû║ Submitting a GBMer Engagement Plan to Wharton Council that will be shared with students. (See the GBM Engagement Plans below for more info)

    Ôû║ Collecting and maintaining a list of GBMers throughout a semester.  All GBM event attendance must be tracked through Campus Groups. Wharton Council will be asking clubs for this information throughout the semester.

    Ôû║ Create a methodology by which the club will collect other data about GBMer events/ communication/ involvement ; Data on student engagement can be used as touchpoints to identify strong potential candidates based on their GBMer involvement. Examples of data to collect could include: event attendance; other participation rates; Email open rate; Satisfaction metrics; etc.

    ● Clubs will not be included on the centralized application without satisfying these requirements. This will be tracked by your Wharton Council liaison and revisited at the end of semester coffee chat.

  • GBM Engagement Plans

    Should be submitted to us on an annual basis before the start of the Fall Semester*

    Can include:

    ● Specific career-related/professional development events

    ● Community building social events (open and promoted to non-committee members)

    GBMer projects dedicated towards non-committee members

    ● Volunteer events to create a positive impact on the West Philadelphia Community.

    Expectations and meeting responsibilities for GBMers to ensure that members have a clear understanding of what is expected of them.

    *These plans should be updated and resubmitted In cases of anticipated serious changes to a club's GBM Program between semesters

  • Accessibility of the Program

    All students must be allowed to join a club’s GBM program.

    ● If a student is rejected from a club, they must be offered a GBM position in their rejection email. Clubs should take extra care to not advertise the GBM position as  “lesser-than”, but instead, encourage students to still get involved in your club's mission.

  • Exemption from the Program

    ● Clubs with 100% acceptance rates* are exempt from maintaining a GBM program since such clubs already maintain open community accessibility.

    *If the acceptance rate changes, a club must notify Wharton Council, and begin implementing a GBM program.