
The Traditions initiative encompasses most of Wharton Wellness' longstanding events. These events are typically recurring, taking place every semester or every academic year, and are targeted at multiple facets of wellness. The events housed within this initiative include: Fitness Before Finals, Checkup from the Neck Up, and Big Talk.

Additionally, the Traditions initiative is staffed by the Wharton Wellness Board's newest class of members, serving as an instructional introduction into a variety of critical capabilities, such as event planning, data collection, and external communication with the student body.

  • Fitness Before Finals: Events consisting of fully-subsidized fitness classes and experiences for Wharton undergraduates that take place shortly before finals season.
  • Checkup from the Neck Up: Events centered around bringing Student Counseling professionals to a Wharton building (usually Huntsman Hall) for drop-in evaluations and resource distribution.
  • Big Talk: Events centered around fostering deep conversation ("Big Talk" as opposed to "small talk" and camaraderie between Wharton undergraduates, which takes place over a fully-subsidized meal at a local restaurant.