Career Funneling Experiential Dialogue
Fri, Feb 7, 2025
1:30 PM – 6 PM EST (GMT-5)
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Pick one of two sessions: 1:30 - 3:30pm or 4:00 - 6:00pm
Private Location (sign in to display)
Registration is now closed (this event already took place).
WHO: All Wharton students regardless of career aspirations are welcome, although the event is most tailored to first-years and second-years
WHY: Our hope is that you will grow a sense of awareness of your own positionality within the nuances and psychological pressures of career funneling (family, peer, financial, culture, others)
HOW: We will use text references as a springboard to spend two hours discussing the value and perils of having optionality, the purpose of a business education, your definition of success/social status. You do not need to prepare or bring anything but yourself. You will be divided into small groups of four to five to create a comfortable environment to challenge and be challenged
WHEN: Choose! One session will run from 1:30 to 3:30pm and a second one will run from 4pm to 6pm. The hope is to create a comfortable space where you can feel and exist temporally outside of your routines so kindly dedicate the full two hours to the experience.
WHERE: SDHD 209. You will receive an email asking you to confirm your attendance closer to the event date, where the location will be reminded to you.
Feel free to ask any questions at "frasala@wharton.upenn.edu"