Registration will only be open from Oct 10, 2024 (at 1 AM) to Mar 14, 2025 (at 7 AM).
It's now 5:19 AM on Mar 20, 2025.
Beginner lesson with Kelly Coile at Flora Lea Farm
PRICE: $50 pp (this is paid via directly to barn at the lesson in cash or venmo)
TIMING: The entire time required for this event is approximately THREE HOURS
Driving time from Philly ~45 minutes (each way)
Tacking up ~30 minutes
Lesson ~60 minutes
Untacking ~30 minutes
Clothing required: long pants, shoes with a heel (can borrow helmet from barn but recommended to bring your own)
Car Rental: If you with to rent a car please notify co-President Isabel Ryan in ADVANCE to confirm funds- Zipcars are available for rent in Philly and can then be submitted for reimbursement to the club. Same rules apply for Uber. Carpooling is expected for all methods of transportation
Release form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1BYtghjE24_cSpHo1B6X0HdkaLWnKl059s4jTHlzseEE/viewform?edit_requested=true