Penn Fashion Collective

Become part of our vibrant community.


About Us

The Penn Fashion Collective is, in essence, the CFDA of Penn. We are a community committed to the industry and dedicated to the support, defense, and encouragement of all interested members of the Penn community. We welcome anyone with even the slightest interest in fashion to explore the industry through multiple opportunities provided for learning, networking, and experiencing. As the hub of fashion on Penn's campus, we in The Collective are dedicated to giving fashion a voice in an otherwise pre-professionally driven environment; we are a diverse and nuanced community of designers, writers, editors, artists, sponsors, marketers, and business leaders committed to Fashion at Penn.









Members Benefits

As a general-body member, you will have exclusive access to speaker events with high-profile members of the Fashion industry, career exploration panels, social events, as well as discounted tickets to fashion-related events around Philadelphia, and to our very own Fashion Show. General-body members can also apply to be a part of one of our committees (Finance & Sponsorship, Marketing, Events, and Fashion Show) to get more involved.

Events & Activities

Be the first to know about what we have planned and add our group calendar to your schedule.

Exclusive Resources

Get our newsletter and stay in the loop.


Meeting new students with shared interest

Our Team

Olivia Turman Profile

Olivia Turman

Shreya Krishnan Profile

Shreya Krishnan

Neel Jain Profile

Neel Jain

Claudia Bellacosa Profile

Claudia Bellacosa

James Blanco Profile

James Blanco

Adrian Massuet Profile

Adrian Massuet

Fay Shuai Profile

Fay Shuai

Justin Silver Profile

Justin Silver

Abishek Ravindran Profile

Abishek Ravindran


Penn Fashion Collective

3620 Locust Walk
Philadelphia PA 19104
United States