The Wharton School | Groups


Welcome to the Jewish Association of MBAs!  

Each year, JAMBA reaches hundreds of Jewish and non-Jewish Wharton graduate students on campus with a wide array of different Jewish opportunities, from High Holiday celebrations and small group Shabbat dinners to Jewish cultural offerings that appeal to students with a wide range of religious expression.


No matter what your interest or Jewish background, JAMBA is there to help connect both Jewish and non-Jewish students to experiences, communities and relationships at Wharton. Our legacy events from the past few years include:

  • High Holiday celebrations
  • Small Group Shabbat dinners
  • Holocaust Remembrance events
  • Bagels and Lox speaker events
  • Ugly Sweater / Hanukkah Party
  • Hummus Fests and Happy Hours
  • And many more

We have an awesome (if we do say so ourselves) schedule coming up for the upcoming year and can't wait to see you get involved.  

We are proud to announce that we are officially on social media! Please follow along: 

