About Us
Wharton Ambassadors (WHAMB) conduct information sessions and coffee chats for prospective students and families, contribute to admitted-student events, and participate in high school outreach.
As the "face of the Wharton Undergraduate Program," Wharton Ambassadors uphold and represent the Wharton brand and experience and provide input on outreach marketing and communications. The Ambassadors are also a tight-knit community of students committed to a well-rounded academic and social experience here at Wharton.
On this site, you can find information about WHAMB and learn about our members. Prospective students and families can also discover opportunities to visit Penn and Wharton by checking out the information sessions page.
The Wharton Ambassador program adheres to the University of Pennsylvania Policy on Equal Opportunity, and all Wharton first- and second-years are invited to apply to join Wharton Ambassadors in the fall.
Register for a Wharton information session here.
Contact: ambassadors@wharton.upenn.edu